Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Race Matters

In the article "Race Matters" by Cornel West, the author claims that racial discrimination is still lurking within America till this day. For many years racial differences has taken its place between Blacks and Whites. The belief in America that Whites are more suprerior than any other race, also known as "White Supremacy," has given a fact that discrimnation is still beared in society. White Supremacy overwhelmes those of color, which makes those feel less forunate than White Americans.

As I was reading this article, I felt the need to look back at the past leaders of our country and came to realize that we live in a multiracial country runned by white indiviuals. It seems that through time the more we advance through the regulations of the American democracy, white supremacy stays the same. For instance, our country has been run by 43 white presidents, now that Barack Obama has been president, shouldn't whites be as overwhelmed that their supremacy is being lowered by a multiracial president? 

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